Any commercial or industrial activity or any enterprise, trade, profession, occupation, or livelihood, including the lease or rental of residential or nonresidential real estate, whether or not carried on for gain or profit, and whether or not engaged in as a principal or as an independent contractor, which is engaged in, or caused to be engaged in, within the City of Dadeville is recognized as a business and is therefore required to obtain a Business License. This is an annual license issued by the City of Dadeville for the privilege of doing any kind of business, trade, profession, or any other activity in the municipality, by whatever name called, which document is required to be conspicuously posted or displayed except to the extent the taxpayer’s business license tax or other financial information is listed thereon.
Download Business License Application
Citizens may download an application for a Business License HERE.
Once downloaded and completed, please bring application to City Hall to pay the License Fee and obtain your Business License.
Download Schedule of Business License Fees
To view the schedule of Business License Fees, click the link HERE.